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Channel 9 Gold Coast – Council’s “helping hand” gets dairy-free products overseas

9 news channel


Dairy Free Down Under is now exporting, all thanks to the Council’s new exporter program

Trade 2018
hosted the Food and Agribusiness Buyers Program providing a platform for 19 Queensland suppliers to market their products to four international food buyers. Trade 2018 also delivered the Retail Commerce Forum with 80 delegates attending the event including international buyers providing the opportunity to showcase local food and beverage sectors. As a result of the Trade 2018 experience, two Queensland companies secured export deals.

Brisbane-based company Youfoodz, producer of ready-made meals, snacks and beverages, has sent its first shipment of cold-pressed juice, protein ice-cream and protein balls to Malaysia and the Middle East.

Gold Coast based Dairy-Free Down Under received its first export order for its range of non-dairy cheeses, which were shipped to the Middle East. Dairy-Free DownUnder’s Kevin and Jenny Flanagan (pictured) credited the Trade 2018 event with helping the business connect with international markets. Within months, they grew their export market to six countries and are working on export deals to China, Japan and the United States.

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