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Cheese & Vegemite Scrolls

dairy free cream cheese on cheese and Vegemite snack

Remember when you’d head to the shops after school, running straight to the bakery starving hungry because you’d left the contents of your lunchbox untouched (except maybe for the LCM bar if you were lucky enough to score one), and there’d be two choices to make… the pizza roll, or the cheesymite scroll – I’d always pick the cheesymite scroll!

Now you get to make them yourself whenever you want, and, because we’re adults now, you can add as much dairy-free cheese as your heart desires. These are the perfect mid-morning snack or lunchbox filler that won’t get left in the bottom of the school bag.

Prep time 65mins

Cooking Time 30mins

Makes 6-10 (depending how you cut them)


  • 2 tsp instant dried yeast
  • 2 tbs caster sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water
  • 3 1/2 cups plain flour
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 90 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup Vegemite
  • 1 & 1/2 cups Dairy Free Down Under Cheddar Style Shreds
  • 1 cup Dairy Free Down Under Mozzarella Style Shreds
  • 1/4 cup dairy-free butter (melted)



  1. In a bowl, combine the yeast and sugar with the water and leave for five minutes, or until frothy
  2. Combine the flour and salt in the bowl of a freestanding electric mixer fitted with the dough hook attachment
  3. Once the yeast is ready, add the oil to the flour mixture
  4. Then, with the motor running slowly, add the yeast mixture, mix for at least 5 minutes or until very soft and elastic – if the dough seems too sticky add a little more flour
  5. Cover and leave to prove in a warm place for 30 minutes, or until doubled in size, then knock back the dough (this is a technical term for punching or pressing down on the dough after the bread’s first rise, it bursts the tiny air bubbles that have formed in the dough and then forces them to reform again in the final shape you want, which results in a smoother texture)
  6. Preheat the oven to 190°C
  7. Dust a work surface with flour and roll the dough into a rectangle approximately 45 x 30cm
  8. Mix the Vegemite with 2 tablespoons of water so that’s easier to spread, then spread over the dough
  9. Sprinkle with Dairy Free Down Under Cheddar and Mozzarella Style Shreds
  10. Roll up the dough like a Swiss roll, then cut into scrolls approximately 8cm wide, or whatever size you want
  11. Place the scrolls on a baking tray lined with baking paper, cover with plastic wrap and leave to prove for 20 minutes
  12. Drizzle with melted butter then bake for 20 minutes (or until browned if you’ve made mini ones)
  13. Allow to cool for 10 minutes before removing from the tray, pull apart and enjoy!

TIP: For busy parents you can choose to buy frozen puff pastry, spread the vegemite and add your Dairy Free Down Under Cheese options and follow the rest of the recipe.

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