Crafted for Every Dairy-Free Moment – Delicious, Australian-Made & Family-Owned

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Scrumptious Vegan Burger

Vegan Burger



  • Your favourite bun (can be gluten free)
  • A mixture of fresh veggies like grated carrot, beetroot, crispy lettuce, thinly sliced tomatoes and crunchy cucumber
  • Vegan pattie (available at most supermarkets and independents)
  • 1 packet of Dairy Free Down Under Cheddar Style Slices
  • 1 bottle of Dairy Free Down Under Aioli Style


  1. Cook your veggie pattie
  2. Spread the Dairy Free Down Under Aioli Style on each side of the bun
  3. Layer the bun with one or two slices of Dairy-Free Down Under Cheddar Style Slices
  4. Add the vegetable toppers


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