Crafted for Every Dairy-Free Moment – Delicious, Australian-Made & Family-Owned

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Product of the month

Mozzarella style

We have been receiving rave reviews on our Mozzarella Style Shreds! We created the Mozzarella with taste, melt and stretch in mind. Our dairy free Mozzarella Style Shreds are perfect melted under the grill on pizzas and mouth-watering Mexican dishes like tacos and nachos.

Here is a review from our customer Bec:

“I absolutely cannot believe these products don’t contain dairy! My daughter struggles with eczema, which is triggered by dairy so I’m always looking for non-dairy alternatives. I tried the mozzarella on a pizza today after first baking, then running under the grill for 10 minutes – it melted so well and I literally couldn’t taste the difference compared to traditional dairy. And I’m Italian! I also tried the cashew dip, which was amazing. I’ll buy it again and hope to see it in Coles or Woolworths one day.”

 Thanks Bec! Do you have a favourite Dairy-Free Down Under product? Let us know by emailing

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